Influenza’s Link with EMFs


The name of the disease comes from the word “influence” as it was thought to be caused by the influence of the cosmic bodies; the sun, moon and stars.

The correlation between sun spot activity – which is electromagnetic in nature – and influenza epidemics is seen in the following article from the magazine Nature.

In 1901 Nicola Tesla was granted a patent for harvesting radiant energy. In earlier lectures Tesla explained that this radiant energy was caused mainly by radiation from the sun. I’m bringing this up here to establish that cosmic electromagnetic fields have been understood for at least 120 years. You will see in a few paragraphs the link between historical influenza and these natural EMFs, which paves the way to understanding what happened in 1889.


For more details on Tesla’s radiation harvesting patent see:

Previously in 1888 Tesla invented the polyphase AC motor which was to revolutionise industry allowing them to use alternating current for power, not just lighting and telephony. The industrial use of AC spread like wild-fire.

And now to quote from Arthur Firstenberg’s masterful history:

In 1889, most historians agree, the modern electrical era opened. And in 1889, as if the heavens had suddenly opened as well, doctors in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia were overwhelmed by a flood of critically ill patients suffering from a strange disease that seemed to have come like a thunderbolt from nowhere, a disease that many of these doctors had never seen before. That disease was influenza, and that pandemic lasted four continuous years and killed at least one million people. Influenza is an Electrical Disease. Suddenly and inexplicably, influenza, whose descriptions had remained consistent for thousands of years, changed its character in 1889. Flu had last seized most of England in November 1847, over half a century earlier. The last flu epidemic in the United States had raged in the winter of 1874–1875. Since ancient times, influenza had been known as a capricious, unpredictable disease, a wild animal that came from nowhere, terrorized whole populations at once without warning and without a schedule, and disappeared as suddenly and mysteriously as it had arrived, not to be seen again for years or decades. It behaved unlike any other illness, was thought not to be contagious, and received its name because its comings and goings were said to be governed by the “influence” of the stars.

But in 1889 influenza was tamed. From that year forward it would be present always, in every part of the world. It would vanish mysteriously as before, but it could be counted on to return, at more or less the same time, the following year. And it has never been absent since.


Like “anxiety disorder,” influenza is so common and so seemingly familiar that a thorough review of its history is necessary to unmask this stranger and convey the enormity of the public health disaster that occurred one hundred and thirty years ago. It’s not that we don’t know enough about the influenza virus. We know more than enough. The microscopic virus associated with this disease has been so exhaustively studied that scientists know more about its tiny life cycle than about any other single microorganism. But this has been a reason to ignore many unusual facts about this disease, including the fact that it is not contagious. In 2001, Canadian astronomer Ken Tapping, together with two British Columbia physicians, were the latest scientists to confirm, yet again, that for at least the last three centuries influenza pandemics have been most likely to occur during peaks of solar magnetic activity—that is, at the height of each eleven-year sun cycle.

Pages 80–81 of The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life

Most people (I was one of them) PRESUME that flu is transmitted from person to person. Did you know that there is no clinical evidence to support this position? Dr. Sam Bailey does a great job at exposing the lock of evidence in the video below.

Influenza now looks like an electrical disease that presents with a virus. So are viruses contagious; and what actually is a virus? These questions opens up a whole new fascinating world – or at least it did for me. This is a wonderful rabbit hole to dive into. There has been a wealth of research for over 100 years which has run parallel to the mainstream popular theories of contagion and germ theory. Other theories like exosome theory and terrain theory fit better with empirical data. To make a start down this rabbit hole I can recommend you check out Dr. Andrew Kauffman and Dr. Tom Cowan. Look these guys up. This articles looks at the biological fact that viruses are not living entities and the theory that they are simply intracellular particles which are the building blocks of cells.

In the video below there is a 22-minute explanation by Dr. Andrew Kauffman. The virus in question is not influenza but the exact same mechanisms apply.

For more in-depth look at the history of electricity, and the ailments that have followed – check out The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg.

Arthur Firstenberg - The Invisible Rainbow

Genes – Remotely Edited by a Virus and EMFs

Here’s a summary: In the disciplines of gene editing (CRISPR/Cas9), and remote neuron activation (optogenetics), the process is achieved by injecting a modified virus into a host. So through an injection delivery (eg, vaccine) it is possible to both alter the host genes and to turn neuron on and off in the brain… remotely.

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in the wavelength range of 280–315 nm (UV light) can trigger brain neurons and control the emotions and behaviour of animals. This science is called optogenetics. First the neurons are targeted by a modified virus which allows the insertion of a protein into the DNA strand. DNA responds by activating a targeted gene when activated by the EMR at this frequency – which then alters mood, thought, and physical action.

The following link explains how this process works and shows an example of a mouse being triggered by ultraviolet light (280–315 nm).

Notice (at 1:32) the process is triggered by a modified virus.

Bear in mind that the UV light does not have to be strapped to the mouse’s head! This is just for the sake of this demo. Also bear in mind that different protein/gene combinations are likely to respond to different EM frequencies. For example this could result in genes that are triggered by EMF which is outside of the visible spectrum.

The following video is not without controversy. It is part of a leaked lecture at the Pentagon. “Fact checker debunkers” claim it was done by actors. Nevertheless everything that is said is achievable with available technology. You decided.

The fact that a lab-modified virus is needed to start the process should be cause for an eyebrow to be raised. Here is an explanation of the process: (TIP: load the page then search for “virus”)

Understand that the blood-brain barrier (BBB) can be opened by electromagnetic fields – such as that in the wifi and mobile comms range. And now the virus can pass through the BBB into the brain. See

Not only can genes be turned on and off through optogenetics, they can be rebuilt, modified and re-modelled (for whatever purpose) using a technique called CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. (The two techniques can also be combined; see Here we see an interesting article about who’s baking this technology:

Before you think this tech is years away from us, there are companies out there that you can order a custom built CRISPR/Cas9 RNA virus as a delivery system for gene editing! Just look it up for yourself.

Perhaps the fact the current vaccine under development now will be based around a custom RNA messenger (mRNA) and will also include a modified SARS-COV-2 virus – might trigger some thought processes for you.

Virus Activation Via Electromagnetic Field


The following research paper is significant as it shows that electromagnetic fields can activate viruses in human cells:

The title of the paper provides gives a clear synopsis –
Exposure to a 50 Hz electromagnetic field induces activation of the Epstein-Barr virus genome in latently infected human lymphoid cells.

What does it mean to “activate” a virus?

Keep in mind that a virus is not alive. It is just a string of RNA/DNA surrounded by a protein shell. It contains no reproductive system, they can’t make their own energy, and they don’t respond to stimuli. What the researchers mean by “activate” is to cause the virus to be excreted, or expressed, by the living cell.

Controversially – and I would say, effectively – it is argued that a virus is similar to a solvent that is excreted by the cell to remove debris and toxins. Where does this debris or toxin that needs excreting from the living cell come from? It is the contention of medics and researchers such as Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman that these toxins are the result of external influences such as EMFs.

Not only does the above linked paper show that EMFs can activate virus expression, but that the DNA of living beings – including ours – can be modulated, remotely.

“This finding provides evidence that DNA can be modulated by a magnetic field.”

Another published paper shows that mobile phone radiation can also activate Epstein-Bar virus in human lymph cells.

Don’t know about you but I find all this a little disturbing:. What is even more disturbing is the possibility of your Genes – Remotely Edited by a Virus and EMFs.