Home EMF Survey

The first step to fixing a problem is to identify and quantify it.



By performing an EM survey and looking at electromagnetic aspects of the environment I can determine the amount of radiation coming from both inside, and outside the property. Tools for measuring voltage, field strength, direction, frequency etc. can reveal what would otherwise be invisible yet leaves sensitive individuals in a worse state of health and well-being.

Once the extent of the issues are measured and known then recommendations for remedies can be made.

A big priority will be the sleeping area, as this is where your body naturally rebuilds and detoxes, and getting the best sleep will protect your immune system.

The survey will take approximate 1–2 hours and will include a summary of results, remedial actions, and any other relevant information discussed at your premises. Exterior surveys start at £95 and full-house surveys from £190. If you would like more information telephone Mark on 07732 771 620 or 02890 704 396.

There are some simple steps you can take right now to begin reducing your exposure:

    • Turn off your broadband/wifi router at night.
    • Replace your wireless land-line telephone with a wired one.
    • Minimise your use of mobiles phones, keep them on flight mode and occasionally turn on to check messages, put them on speaker phone when talking on them.
    • Do not bring mobiles into the bedroom, you will forget to turn it off at some point!

For more things you can do take a look at the post on Reducing Your EMF Exposure.